The C. S. Lewis Student Center is a ministry at the University of South Carolina that seeks to build up the Kingdom of Christ through three primary means: engaging students with C. S. Lewis and other classic Christian authors; worshiping together in St. Theodore’s Anglican Chapel; and inviting a wide range of students to participate in our ecumenical Christian community. Listen to what some of our students have to say in their own words:
- “The C. S. Lewis Center is my home away from home—I would be lost without it. It is the one place on campus where I can relax without fear of judgment; yet at the same time it displays an intellectual venue which challenges, strengthens, and deepens my humility. Oh, and not the least, it is the one place where professors, graduate and undergraduate students, and non-USC affiliated people all congregate in fellowship.”
- “I come to the C. S. Lewis Center to grow in Christian wisdom, and to learn about my faith through discussions with others; it is one of the few places that offers the ‘meat’ I need as opposed to the ‘milk’.”
- “The C. S. Lewis Center has been, for me, an island of Christian community in a sea of modern sentiment. This is a safe haven for my deep desire to be “fully known and fully loved”, to quote the Center’s namesake. I am blessed to have such a stable community that is unrelentingly focused on the Cross of Christ, the finished work of the Son of Man.”
Members of the Lewis League are invited to assist us in our ministry of bringing together Christian students to read and discuss the classics of Christian literature. Through the unique charism of Anglicanism, we are able to reach students of all types of backgrounds, and build up the Kingdom using Lewis’s model of Mere Christianity, as well as exposing them to the glories of the Anglican model of worship. Our donor levels, named after characters from Narnia, range from Reepicheep (small but mighty—and an army of Reepicheeps would be invincible) all the way up to Aslan.
We request that donations for spring semester be sent by January 1st, and that those for fall semester be sent by July 1st (though we are happy to receive support at any time). Checks may be made out to “St. Theodore’s Anglican Chapel”, and sent to 1730 College Street, Columbia, SC, 29201. All gifts are tax-deductible. Please include an email address, so that we may send you regular updates of our ministry, as well as prayer requests for our students and other participants.
___ Reepicheep ($25 per semester/$50 per year)
___ Mr. Tumnus ($50 per semester/$100 per year)
___ Puddleglum ($100 per semester/$200 per year)
___ Prince Caspian ($200 per semester/$400 per year)
___ Aslan ($500 per semester/$1,000 per year)
___ Other amount ____________
Please make checks payable to “St. Theodore’s Anglican Chapel”
Name: ____________________________________
Email: ____________________________________
St. Theodore’s Anglican Chapel
1730 College St.
Columbia, SC 29201